In our last blog, we showed a remarkable convergence between Democrats’ and Republicans’ negative sentiments toward China. How deep does this bipartisan consensus go? Does this consensus involve [...]
Given Chinese media environment, how are everyday Chinese citizens seeing the ongoing war in Ukraine? Do they sympathize with the victims of an invasion, or do they support Russia‘s so-called [...]
Starting here, we’ll be diving into sentiment. Overall, we find interesting bipartisan similarity in this measure since around the start of the trade war in 2018, with negativity dominating the [...]
How do MCs discuss China in the public sphere? We find that, while issues of human rights and security dominate over discussions of trade, Republicans and Democrats tend to highlight distinct [...]
Congress Tweets Part I.
We ask the question: does politicians’ tweeting stop at the water’s edge? How much do U.S. politicians tweet about foreign policy, and how much do they concern themselves [...]
U.S.-China tensions have given rise to increasingly negative feelings between the two countries’ populations. In our work, we explore the dynamics of interpersonal expression of anti-foreign [...]
Economic inequality is a hot-button issue in contemporary PRC politics. Recently, Xi Jinping’s “Common Prosperity” initiative has sought to resolve decades of unequal growth and fix the social [...]
Most people following Chinese pop culture would remember the day Hip-Hop was banned. It was significant — not only because of Hip-Hop’s global status, but also because it fit the narrative of an [...]
What’s in a Virus’ Name? From the “Chinese Virus” to Anti-Asian Racial Animus by Sophie SHENG and Runjing LU In a news conference on March 18, 2020, a reporter questioned then-President [...]
Chinese Talent, American Enterprise Five Takeaways of How Chinese Talent Contributes to Biotech Innovation in the U.S. by Lei Guang, Ruixue Jia, Jingwen Liu, Young Yang Visualization by Jingwen [...]