In this blog, we offer a more nuanced perspective by analyzing data across various domains, specifically indicators of economic, strategic, and diplomatic influence.
While China is undeniably a [...]
In this blog, we offer a more nuanced perspective by analyzing data across various domains, specifically indicators of economic, strategic, and diplomatic influence.
While China is undeniably a [...]
In this blog, we will draw on our repeated China from the Ground Up (CFGU) surveys to guide you through critical shifts and continuities in China’s public opinion since we began our repeated [...]
The estimated 3 million students from China who have studied in the U.S. since the late 1970s represent one of the largest cross-border flows of talent in modern times. As critics in America [...]
Using Twitter’s API to gather daily tweets by members of Congress, our new Congressional Tweets on China Portal ( allows users to visualize and explore [...]
How does the policy sausage get made in China, where electoral institutions don’t play a significant role? This research explores the distinct mechanisms and pathways that facilitate policy [...]
How many people have been directly affected by the COVID-Zero policy and how the Chinese public feels about these lockdowns and wider COVID policies. Does some silent majority support these [...]
What’s clear is that Chinese SCSs are more ambitious than FICO and other financial credit systems and extend their purpose. But what do Chinese citizens think of these systems, with their [...]
Drawing on years of data collection work headed up by UC San Diego’s Victor Shih and updated in the Summer of 2022, the China Data Lab CCP Elite Portal ( [...]
In our last blog, we showed a remarkable convergence between Democrats’ and Republicans’ negative sentiments toward China. How deep does this bipartisan consensus go? Does this consensus involve [...]