Using data to drive the frontiers of research in Chinese politics, economy, and society
The China Data Lab (CDL) was established by the 21st Century China Center at UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy to lead China studies into a new era where contextual knowledge about China is tested and corroborated by social scientific methods and data. By using data-driven analysis, CDL researchers study a wide range of topics that shed new light on the dynamics of change in Chinese politics, society, and economy. CDL aims to be a hub of data resources, analytic tools, and training workshops to further advance our knowledge of China.
Original Research
CDL’s researchers study a wide range of topics in Chinese politics and political economy. These include: media and the Internet; censorship and propaganda; public opinion and evolving ideology in China; political economy; and the politics of factions, cadre promotion, and central-local relations.
Resource Hub
The China Data Lab catalogs sources and databases on China and hosts a blog that showcases and explains complicated concepts through data visualization and applications.
Training workshops held in conjunction with annual conferences for graduate students and junior scholars tap into the expertise of scholars at the 21st Century China Center and partner data research centers from leading Chinese universities.